
¿Por qué es importante traducir un pódcast?

  By Nadia Morales   ¿A qué llamamos “pódcast”? Según la Real Academia Española (RAE) “la voz podcast es un anglicismo generalizado en el uso y sin un equivalente univerbal en español.” En pocas palabras, podemos definir un pódcast como un archivo de audio o video que puede grabarse y editarse digitalmente, y cuyo usuario puede descargar …

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Video Games Translations: A field In Constant Development

Translating video games consists in a thorough process that involves adapting a product to the needs of a specific market without modifying the original message. Translators work side by side with developers and other experts to help them launch their products and succeed internationally. A challenging field in constant development In the gaming industry, the …

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CaDi, el primer software de lenguaje inclusivo

  By Natasha Aznar   Aunque la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE) rechazó nuevamente el reconocimiento del lenguaje inclusivo. Con el fin de hallar textos en los que el sesgo masculino aparece en la redacción, investigadoras y catedráticas de América Latina y España diseñaron un software peculiar.   En conjunto con la Universidad …

CaDi, el primer software de lenguaje inclusivo Read More »

How Does Audiovisual Translation Work On Streaming Platforms?

  By Jorgelina Capaccio   Netflix , HBO , Amazon Prime Video , Hulu , Apple TV+ , and Disney+ . are some of the most popular streaming platforms , a service that more and more users are using in search of their favorite movies and series. Many of these companies already have their own original productions, and they differ in catalogs, prices, and features. However, there is one thing they …

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World Refugee Day And Our Commitment As Translation Service Providers

  By Jorgelina Capaccio   World Refugee Day and our commitment as translation service providers As part of our mission, we want to speak to people’s hearts in their own language. In an increasingly interconnected world, global understanding has never been more critical; translators and interpreters, therefore, play a very significant role in overcoming language barriers in any …

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